Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Human Pedigree Project (Due Dec.3rd)

Project # 2: Human Pedigree Project

What is it?
 You will be creating a poster displaying your family's pedigree following a specific trait for 3 generations. You may choose to follow either your mom or dad's side of the family (you do not need to do both).

- Nicely made Poster (on poster sized paper using careful detail or Computer Generated on 8.5 x 11)
-  3 generations (You may do 2 generations above you (grandparents/ parents/ you) or 1 above & 1 below (parents/ you/ nieces & nephews))
- 1 side of family. mom or dad (recommend picking smallest side. You will need aunts/ uncles if doing grandparents...)
-  key explaining all relevant details of your chart including genotypes and phenotypes
- Title Explaining what your trait is and how it is passed (simple dominance, incomplete dom., Co-
- Genotypes for all people on the chart
- You need to be labeled (only you everyone else is numbered)


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