Thursday, June 5, 2014

Final Exams

Final Exam
The following are the exact questions that could be chosen for your final exam.  The day of the final you will write 2 essays.  One I choose randomly AND 1 you choose.  You will be graded on the correctness and completeness of your answer.  All questions should be answered in essay format.  All exams will be given during you scheduled final exam time unless you have already spoken with me.  There are no make ups for this exam.


  1. Explain how DNA makes a protein.  In your answer you should clearly and fully explain the steps involved in transcription and translation.

  1. Explain the structure and function of the following cell organelles:  the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, ribosome, cell membrane/ plasma membrane.

  1. Draw a food web.  In an essay explain the connections between each organism.  Be sure to use all appropriate vocabulary terms when answering this question.

  1. Explain the four steps needed in order for Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection to occur.

  1. Compare and contrast the processes of Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis.

  1. A couple with brown eyes has a baby with blue eyes.  Explain how this is possible.  You may draw a punnett square to help you answer the question more fully.
  2. One of the characteristics of all living organisms is to maintain Homeostasis. Explain how the body systems in the human body work together to accomplish this goal.  You will need to completely describe how at least 3 body systems work together in your answer.

Strategies to help you get an A:
  • Answer all questions ahead of time (you don’t know which question I will choose)
  • Look at all of your notes for vocabulary that could be used in your answer.
  • Ask questions.
  • Study groups:  Form a group of people to help answer all of the questions. 
  • Study your answers so you have them memorized the day of the test.  You will not have notes the day of the exam.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Extra Credit window now closed

No extra credit is currently being accepted. 

Week of 5/19

Mon. 5/19:
       1.)  Respiratory System Diagram
       2.)  Crash Course & Questions
       3.)  Muscle/ Skeletal System Video and questions

Tues. 5/20
      1.)  Immune System Notes
      2.)  Immune System Crash Course
      3.)  Immune System Lab Activity

Wed. 5/21 & Thurs 5/22
       1.)  Worlds Dirtiest Man
       2.)  Class time for Test Corrections

Fri. 5/23
      1.)  Digestive System Diagram and Notes
      2.)  Test Corrections

Monday, May 5, 2014

Week of May 5th

Mon:  Review Transformation Lab
Tues:  Transform Bacteria
Wed: Check Bacteria.  Start Purification
Thurs/Fri: Protein Purification

Friday, April 25, 2014

Week of April 28th

Mon. 4/28 (2-4-6)
      1.)  Ted Talk (Adaptations)
      2.)  Finish Lab
      3.)  Turn in Adaptation Worksheet BEFORE leaving today.

Tues 4/29 (1-3-5)- Wed. 4/30  (2-4-6)
      1.)  Notes:  Speciation/ Cladograms
      2.)  Cladograms Activity
      3.)  Cladogram Questions

Thurs. 5/1 (1-3-5) & Fri 5/2 (2-4-6)
   Evolution Exam!!!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Week of April 21

Mon 4/21 (P1-3-5)
Tues 4/22 (P2-4-6)
      1.)  Warm Up
      2.)  Notes: Adaptations in Evolution
      3.)  Computer Lab: Natural Selection

Directions For Natural Selection Computer Lab
 1.  Click on Link Above
 2. Click on Green Run Now Button
   3. Follow the Directions on your Worksheet To finish the lab

If you don't finish part 1 and extension 1 & 2 of the lab ITS HOMEWORK.  This will  be on the notebook check next time!

Definition of Fitness (Biology Version) 
Definition of Adaptation (Biology Version)

Wed 4/23 (P1-3-5)
Thurs 4/24 (P2-4-6)
      1.)  Trade and Grade Notebooks
      2.)  Finish Adaptation Notes
      3.)  Set Up Adaptation Lab (Dot Lab)
      4.)  Collect and Analyze Dot Lab Data

Fri 4/25 (P1-3-5)
      1.)  Ted Talk (Adaptations)
      2.)  Finish Lab
      3.)  Turn in Adaptation Worksheet BEFORE leaving today.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Week of April 14th

Mon 4/14
  1.)  Correct Frog Questions 45-60
  2.)  Darwin's Dangerous Idea (PBS Video)& Questions

Tues 4/15
   1.)  Correct Frog Questions 61-75
   2.)  Darwin's Dangerous Idea & Questions

Wed 4/16
   1.)  Correct Frog Questions 76-90
   2.)  Darwin's Dangerous Idea & Questions

Thurs & Fri (4/17-4/18)
 ****Frog Testing****
   - Thurs: periods 1-3-5
   - Fri:  periods 2-4-6

Monday, April 7, 2014

Frog Test Review Questions

The following is the schedule for the CST Frog Test Review Questions 
 - You will need to complete 15 questions per day

Tues. 4/8............1-15
Wed. 4/9.............16 - 30
Thur. 4/10...........31- 45
Fri. 4/11............. 46 - 60
Mon. 4/14...........61 - 75
Tues. 4/15...........76 - 90

You will get points for correct answers.  Make sure you think carefully about your answers.  Use your resources if your not sure of an answer.  If there is a topic we have not reviewed in class yet you may need to think back to 7th grade (uh oh!).

You do not need to write out the questions for credit (simple answer only is ok).  It is recommended that you do so you can study the questions.

You will recieve 1/2 a point per correct answer (45 total)  this is the same as a notebook grade!

Week Of April 7th

Mon. 4/7
   1.)  Warm Up 10
   2.)  Notes: Early Earth History
   3.)  Pre-lab (Radioactive Decay of Candium)
          (Title, objective, materials list, Procedure: " see class handout", Data (create a data table), analysis (write questions), conclusion (leave space)

Tues 4/8
   1.) Stamp Pre-lab / Discuss Homeowrk
   2.)  Collect Candium Lab Data
   3.)  Discuss Data
   4.)  Analysis
   5.)  Class Work Time

Wed 4/9
   1.)  Correct Frog Test review 1-15
   2.)  Geologic Time Scale Notes (pg 296 in Bat book)
   3.)  Class work time for test corrections/ Frog test Review Questions (16-30 due tomorrow)

Thurs 4/10
   1.)  Warm Up 11
   2.)  Notes: Origins of life on Earth

Homework: Frog review Questions 31-45

Fri. 4/11
   1.)  Stamp and correct Frog Review Questions 31-45
   2.)  Notes: Endosymbiosis 
   3.)  Notes: Natural Selection

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ecology Review Games

Biomes Review Game
Energy Relationships Review Game
Niches Review Game
Nutritional Relationships Review Game
Succession Review Game
Bio/Geo Chemical Cycles Review Game

* Please remember these review games are meant to help you review information.  You will still Need to STUDY YOUR NOTES FROM CLASS!**

Spring Break Extra Credit Project

This Project will add 10 points to your lowest Project Grade.

Succession on Mars Comic Project
-  Create a comic strip that accurately shows the process of primary and secondary succession on Mars.

-  You must explain the process of primary then secondary succession leading to a climax community with unique "Martian" life.

This project is due the Monday you come back (April 7th)  in class.  No late work will be accepted.  If its not in class on Monday during the collection I will not accept it.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Week of March 24th

 Mon 3/24
     1.)  Warm Up #9
     2.)  Check answers on Carrying Capacity Worksheet
     3.)  Notes: Human Population/ Population Dynamics
- Human population crash course video

Tues 3/25
    1.)  No Warm Up Today
    2.)  Finish Population Dynamics Notes
    3.)  Succession 
    4.)  Crash Course: Succession 
Homework:Finish Bio/ Geo Chemical Cycles notes
Carbon Cycle: Page 730

-  Water (Hydrologic) Cycle: Page 729

-  Nitrogen Cycle: Page 730

-  Phosphorus Cycle: Page 731

What to do: Draw a diagram and Explain what is happening in each cycle
Wed 3/26
I love a clean San Diego Guest Speaker
- Make a difference! Join I Love a Clean San Diego for The Annual Creek to Bay Clean Up!

Thur 3/27
Unit Exam

Fri 3/28 (min day)
Looking at Invasive Species (Cane Toads)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

San Diego Science Festival


If you missed last weekends extra credit, here is your chance to get in on some science fun and get some extra credit too. Link to more info

**If you already got extra credit for last weeks even you cannot earn more credit but you can still go and have a fun day!

How to get EC: Go to science festival and have fun learning some cool new science stuff.  Take a picture of yourself learning/ doing something interesting and email it to me.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Week of March 17th

Mon. 3/17 Agenda:
1.) Warm Up#7
2.)  Notes: Ecology/ Energy Flow

Tues/ Wed

Thurs 3/20
1.) Warm Up#8
2.)  Notes: Population Dynamics
3.)  Carrying Capacity Review
- Homework: Finish Carrying Capacity Worksheet
        -Pg 1
        - Pg.2 

Fri. 3/21
Lab: How Does the environment affect an eagle population? (There was no pre-lab assigned for this lab)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Week of March 10th

Mon 3/10
1.)  Check Biome Map Homework
2.)  Finish Biome Presentations

Tues 3/11
1.)  Warm Up
2.)  Ecology Notes
3.)  Oh Dear! Pre-lab (Due Wed)
      <Title, objective, Rules list, Procedure "see class handout", Data: table & graph, Analysis>
         - Lab
         - Data Table

Wed 3/12
  Oh Dear!!!
** Be Prepared to do some running outside!!**

Thurs 3/13
1.)  Oh Dear Analysis
2.)   Food Chain Notes

Fri 3/14
1.)  Warm Up
2.)  Carrying Capacity Notes
3.)  Deer/ Wolf Predation Worksheet (Due Monday)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Firday March 7th

Biome Presentations

Biome Map 
   - Color it
   - Add color info to your class data sheet
   - Answer Questions

Thursday, March 6, 2014

6-week grade period ends Tomorrow!

All grades have been updated and nothing new will be added.

If you have any ZEROS:
 - If you earned a've got a zerro
 - If you need to turn something in (EX: Cell analogy project)

Extra Credit:
-If you have an extra credit assignment that you want to help you for this grading period

Uploading to Google docs:
1.) log into your google docs account
2.)  Upload your project
    - click red underlined arrow (next to create button)      ---------------->
    - Select upload
    - browse to find your project
3.)  Share your project with me (

Friday, February 28, 2014

Biome Project Helpful Links

Project Check List
How to Make a Pamphlet Using Word

Student Grading Rubric
Teacher's Grading Rubric (what I'm Using)

Week of March 3rd (Biome Project)

Time Line:
Mon: Info. given and teams picked
Tues: Meet in Computer lab for work time
Wed: Meet in Comp. Lab
Thurs: last day in computer lab
Fri: Projects Due

Project Info.
Great news! You and your partners have a new winter job working for a travel agency.
You have been hired to create a brochure and a multimedia presentation that will persuade travelers to visit a specific geographical biome.
The boss has told you that it is important to be informative and creative to help draw potential customers into the office.

Working in groups of 4 you will be assigned one of the following major biomes:
taiga (coniferous forest)
tropical rain forest
temperate grassland (prairie)
temperate deciduous forest

Your Project Will Contain:
- A Fact Sheet from each team member 
          (typed, bulleted list of info.  all 4 stapled together or edited to be 1 document)
- A pamphlet or travel brochure
           (tri-fold, computer generated)
- Powerpoint Presentation or Video for:
         - An in class presentation of your “Travel Package”
          (This should be entertaining and creative!)
            about 5-8 min long (please no longer)

Tonight's Homework:
- Each Group Member Start your fact sheet!
- Bring 1 page of notes to class tomorrow for credit
- Meet in Library Computer lab Tomorrow

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Week of Feb 24th

Photosynthesis/ Cellular Respiration

Mon. Agenda:
1.) Overview of Photo. & C-Resp.
2.)  Photosynthesis: a closer look

 - Crash Course Photosynthesis

Tues. Agenda:
1.)  Complete Photosynthesis
2.)  Energy (ATP/ and the rest)

Wed. Agenda:
1.)  Review Photo.
2.) Cellular Respiration

Thurs.  Agenda:
1.)  Cell Unit Exam!!!!
2.)  Collect Notebooks
3.)  Study Guides Checked (stamped)

Fri. Agenda:
1.)  Grade Notebooks

This Weeks Homework:
Chapter Reviews
- Ch. 4. (pg. 68-69)
- Ch. 5. (pg 86-87)
- Ch. 6. (pg 106-107)
- Ch. 7. (pg 123-124)

 What you need to do:
- Read the Summary (make sure you understand everything. If not ask questions)
- Write the multiple choice questions (ONLY) in your notebook and Answer them (full answer- not just letter)


Friday, February 21, 2014

Fri. Feb. 21st

1.)  Finish Presentations
2.)  Overview of Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Up Coming Extra Credit

How to get Extra Credit:
-Go to the Event
- Take a picture of yourself learning something Fun at one of the booths!
- Email me the picture

Wed. Feb 19th & Thurs Feb 20th

Cell Analogy Presentations

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tues. Feb 18th

Cell Analogy Project Due Today!!

1.)  Presentation Sign Up
2.)  Finish Analysis discussion of Lab
3.)  Active Transport Notes
4.)  Start Presentations

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Cell Anlogy Due Tues!!

Turn in Procedure Reminders

In order to get full credit your project must be turned in on time!

Posters and Dioramas: Turned in IN CLASS
Electronic Projects:
 - Save to google docs (sign into your account. Click the red arrow box to upload. )
 - Share project with me (Click share add my email

If you did a prezi:  share the prezi with me

Monday, February 10, 2014

Week of Feb 10th

Egg Osmosis Lab Set Up

Mon. Agenda:
1.)  Get eggs set up to sit for 2 days in variables
2.)  Prelab

Tues/ Wed Agenda:
1.)  Notes Cell Transport
2.)  Transport Crash Course
3.) Finish Pre Lab

Thurs. Agenda:
1.)  Check in with Lab/ Collect Results
2.)  Analysis of Lab results
3.) Active Transport

Friday, February 7, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thurs/ Fri. (Feb 6th & 7th)

Cell City Analogy

Thurs. Agenda:
1.)  Warm Up #4
2.)  Correct Cell Diagram
3.) Cell city analogy Project Example & Directions

Fri. Agenda:
1.)  Warm Up #5
2.)  Cell City analogy Check in
3.)  Project Work Day

Project Due Date Change Survey Click here to take survey

- Voting Ends Tomorrow Before School

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wed. Feb 5th

Cell Diagrams and Organelles

1.)  Warm Up #3
2.)  Video: Crash Course (Eukaryopolus)
3.)  Review Cell Organelle S/F Chart
4.)  Cell Diagram

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Bill Nye vs Ken Ham Debate

Tonight at 7ET (4pm our time) Bill Nye (the science guy) will square off against Ken Ham (Answers in Genesis CEO) in a formal debate over Evolution.

To watch go to

Please be advised that this is a live debate and I cannot be responsible for what is going to be said.

Extra Credit:
Watch the debate and write down key points for both arguments then you decide.  Tell me who you think won the debate and why.  Please provide examples with your why.

100% added to lowest Quiz Grade

Cell Study Tool

 iCell is a free app that you can use to help you study.

Class Poll

Click here to take survey

Monday, February 3, 2014

Tues. Feb 4th

Computer Lab Cell Organelle Exploration Day

Todays Agenda:
1.)  Discuss Assignment/ Handouts
2.)  Use Websites Below to Fill out Organelle Structure/ Function Chart

Cells Alive!
Inside a Cell
GalaxyGoo's Cell
Helpful Hints:
- make sure you look at plant and animal cells
- Structure: what it looks like, what's it made out of, how can you distinguish it from other organelles
- Function: What does it do for the cell, what's its job?  (remember a cell makes proteins...)

Finished Early?
- See Mrs. Spendlove for a diagram (will be working on it in class tomorrow - head start)

Cell Organelle Study Tools:
Labeling a Cell Diagram
Hoop Shoot Organelles

Mon. Feb 3rd

Microscopes Day 2

1.)  Complete Fridays Lab
2.)  Mitosis Lab
      - Draw Data Tables
      - Complete both Tables (Table 2 must be done with a microscope in class)
      - Write out and Answer Questions

MEET IN COMPUTER LAB TOMORROW!!!  Please remind/ tell your friends

Friday, January 31, 2014

Fri. Jan 31


1.)  Lab Mini Quiz
2.) Microscope Lab

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Thurs. Jan. 30th

1.)  Warm Up #2
2.)  Microscope Notes/ Review
3.)  Pre-lab for Microscope Lab

Microscope lab protocol (skip pages 2-3)

Pre-lab set up:
Objective: <summarize objectives from lab>
Materials: <list them>
Procedure: <write> " See lab Handout"
      ***Make sure you read procedure.  You will be quizzed on it***
Data: <copy all questions and draw circles or leave room fro drawings>
Analysis <copy questions>

Wed. Jan 29th

Meiosis Wrap -up
1.)  HW/ Meiosis Quiz
2.)  Review Meiosis
3.)  Finish Meiosis activity

Read Sec. 8.15 and draw the comparison chart (meiosis vs mitosis)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

2nd Semester On-Going Extra Credit

This extra credit Assignment can be used at anytime throughout the semester.  Credit will be given based on the quality of the work and will be added as a % to your lowest quiz score (from +10% to +100%).

For Example:
 - an ok attempt will get you 10% added to your lowest current quiz score.
 - an awesome attempt will have your grade raised to 100% on your lowest quiz score!

What you do
You have 2 choices:
1.)  Find an article that discusses a current scientific finding that is directly related to what we are learning in class.  If I can use the article as a warm up then you will get 100%.

2.)  Create a review video for one of the topics we learn in class.  If I can use the video as a review before the exam on that topic then you will get 100%.  This project can be done with multiple people in multiple classes. Example Video

Tues. Jan 28th

1.)  Warm Up #1/ HW Check
2.)  Meiosis Review Activity

Read Sec. 8.20 & 8.21
- Answer the following questions about what you read:
    1.)  What causes Down Syndrome?
    2.)  What is nondisjunction (best in your own words so you understand it better)

Monday, January 27, 2014

Help! I don't understand Meiosis

Check out Snurfle Meiosis for more help with meiosis.

Mon. Jan 27th


1.)  New unit = NEW seats
2.)  Meiosis Notes
3.)  Classwork: pg 140 --> Draw the steps in meiosis.  Make sure you label each step (name, parts)

Pg 131
Copy drawing of " eukaryotic cell cycle"
Read text and write down what is happening in each phase seen in the picture.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

Semester 1 Finals

The following are the exact questions that could be chosen for your final exam.  The day of the final you will be given two (2) questions.  One you choose and one I choose.  You will be graded on the correctness and completeness of your answer.  All questions should be answered in essay format.  Some essays will be longer than others.   No notes will be permitted on the day of the final. The day of the final you should bring paper and something to write with. 

1.)  How do humans and rose bushes exhibit the common characteristics of life? Make sure to explain all the characteristics of life in your answer.

2.)  An electromagnet can be made by wrapping insulated wire around an iron nail and connecting the ends of the wire to a 6-volt battery. By Increasing the number of coils of wire wrapped around the nail you can increase the strength of the electromagnet. This is measured by the number of paper clips the magnet can pick up. In an essay create a hypothesis, identify the independent and dependent variables and create and set up a graph (the data you use on the graph can be made up but must make sense to the experiment).

3.)  The four groups of macromolecules are carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins. Which of these groups are polymers and which are not? Explain your answer.

4.)  A pea plant with yellow seeds was crossed with a plant with green seeds. The children of this cross produced plants with yellow seeds. Explain why green seeds reappeared when the second generation (yellow seeds) are crossed.

5.)  How does transcription differ from DNA replication? Describe at least four differences.

6.)  Explain why the father of a girl who is colorblind must also be colorblind.

7.)  Explain how the chemical components of a nucleotide give DNA a structure that allows it to hold itself together and yet come apart for replication.

8.)  How does the right to patent genetic material and genetic engineering techniques both help and hinder scientific progress in understanding the human genome?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Semester 1 Study Guide

Thursday and Friday you will be given time in class to work on this study guide.  You may print it out and begin working early.

Study Guide

Monday, January 13, 2014

Week of Jan 13th

Here's a look at whats happening this week:

Mon: Presentations
Tues/ Wed: Quiz, NB check, Finish presentations
Thurs: Study Guide Work Time
Fri: Study Guide Work Time and Questions

Life Science Summer Institute

2014 High School Student Research Program
High School Student Internship program includes a one-week pre-internship “boot camp” training at either Miramar or Grossmont College.  Boot Camp is unpaid, however, college credit is available to those who qualify.  Full-time science research internship is Monday-Friday at $9.50/hr for 7 weeks.

Program dates: June 23-August 15, 2014
Boot camp dates: June 23-27, 2014
Application Deadline: April 4, 2014

This year, students have the option to complete a portion of their application online at:

For more program information, please visit: or by email:

Friday, January 10, 2014

Biotech Quiz Information

The biotech unit will end on Tues/ Wed of next week with a Quiz.  This quiz will be longer than usual because there is no exam for this unit but it will not include any written questions.

What you will need to Know:
- Background information on all the labs we did
- General topics that were covered by class discussions and labs
- General information about all topics discussed during the biotech project

Most of this information is also covered in chapter 12 of your textbook

Remember, you CANNOT use notes on Quizzes only exams

Friday, January 3, 2014

Week of Jan. 6th

This week we will be concentrating on wrapping up the biotech unit with the biotech research project

Mon: Project introduction and Computer lab work time
Tues: Computer Lab Work Time
Wed: Work Time (Per 2 & 5 comp lab)
Thurs: Start Presentations
Fri: Presentations
Mon: Finish Presentations

The Biotech Research Project is designed so that you can learn more about some interesting ans controversial topics.  The following is a list of possible research topics:

1. Genetically Engineering Food
2. Ownership of your own DNA/ Copyrighting genes
3. Designer Babies
4. Cloning Humans/ or Parts of Humans
5. Transgenic Pets/ Animals
6. Synthetic Life/ Synthetic Biology
7.  Personal Gene Sequencing/ Use of DNA Sequences
8.  Bioprospecting

Links to class sign up sheet:
Per 2
Per 3
Per 4
Per 5

The project is to be completed with your lab group and your group with be broken into two teams ( a pro-side and a con-side)  Each side will be given 5 minutes to present their information using either a prezi or powerpoint presentation and must turn in a typed outline with sources of their argument (what you will say/ present). There is no limit on the size of the outline.  It should contain the information you will discuss with the class - all 5 minutes of it.  You will turn in 1 pro and 1 con outline. The project has 3 parts:

Part 1:  Pro Debate (5 min presentation & typed outline)

   The Pro- debate section consists of an informational outline (turned in to Mrs. Spendlove) and a presentation to the class.  This presentation should be factual (no made up information or hearsay) and should be persuasive to show all of the good sides about your topic.  You must provide real evidence about your topic.  Remember you are trying to provide the class with information so that they will be able to make an educated decision that will lead to a debate/ discussion later. You want them to take the pro-side! 

Part 2:  Con Debate (5 min presentation & typed outline)

The Con- debate section consists of an informational outline (turned in to Mrs. Spendlove) and a presentation to the class.  This presentation should be factual (no made up information or hearsay) and should be persuasive to show all of the negative sides about your topic.  You must provide real evidence about your topic.  Remember you are trying to provide the class with information so that they will be able to make an educated decision that will lead to a debate/ discussion later.    You want the class to side with you!

Part 3: Open floor class discussion (5 min)

You will now lead the class in a discussion about your topics.  It may be helpful to start with a class vote then ask them to explain why they chose the pro or con side. your job is to control the discussion and not let things get too off topic.  Remember to correct any misconceptions that may arise (you're going to need to be an expert).  At the end of the debate the class will be given a secret ballot in which they will vote which side was the most persuasive.  These team members will receive 2 extra points towards their project grade.

Example Outlines:

Help! I can't fill 5 minutes!!
Worried about filling 5 minutes?  Here are some helpful hints.

1.)  Don't forget its 5 minutes TOTAL  (Per pro /con) Not 5 minutes per person talking
2.)  Take some time to really explain what your topic is.  Define it, explain it with diagrams. remember a pro-explanation might emphasize different things than a con-explanation.
3.)  Really discuss why you are for or against something.  Don't just say its bad...explain why.
4.)  Use videos ( can help you download utube videos)
5.)  Use stories or real world examples to help support your point
6.)  Discuss current laws about your topic (if any)

How to turn in your PowerPoint (or other presentation)
*1st please save your name and period as part of the title for the file

1.)  Log on to GoogleDocs
2.)  Save your presentation (Red Underlined Arrow Button)
3.)  Share it with me by clicking blue "share" button and adding my email ( to the invite people space.

If you are doing a prezi
1.)  Create a google doc with a link to your prezi. Upload it to google docs (Red Underlined Arrow Button)
2.)  Share it with me by clicking blue "share" button and adding my email ( to the invite people space.

If you are doing a video
1.)  Upload it to googledocs (Red Underlined Arrow Button)
2.) Share it with me by clicking blue "share" button and adding my email ( to the invite people space.

Outlines should be printed out and turned in on Thursday in class

You will know i have your work when I reply to your email.

All presentations are due by 7:30 on Thursday Morning!!